Not long after the release of the “A” levels results, the SA-V editorial team goes on hot pursuit of volunteers leaders who have not only be...

Savvy Experience, SA-V Experience - Share your experience of volunteering with The Salvation Army (Singapore). Share your story, reflections, ideas and insights :) Should you wish to contribute, send your articles with high resolution photos to our Volunteer Resources Manager at volunteer (AT) (replace (AT) with @ to email me).
Not long after the release of the “A” levels results, the SA-V editorial team goes on hot pursuit of volunteers leaders who have not only be...
Way before the crazy shopping for Christmas begins, volunteers for “Project Love for a Dollar” begins training volunteers, and SA-V Editoria...
THE Salvation Army would like to thank all our kettling volunteers who answered our call for help through the press and made a difference i...
Every November and December, we hear the familiar ring-a-ling from The Salvation Army’s Christmas Kettle stands, where volunteers are seen c...
Open publication - Free publishing - More volunteer